The Gospel of Loki by Joanne Harris 6/10

     First off,  this book is fine. It's not especially worth the read (especially since Neil Gaiman wrote Norse Mythology which in my opinion is now the gold standard for writing about Norse Mythology.) When you write a retelling of some fairy tale with the villain as the main character you have to make sure to make them sympathetic. There's virtually no work done here. He comes off exactly the same as he would as if you were reading the myths for the first time. It was a bit like watching the 'Watchmen,' movie which was simply a shot for shot remake of the graphic novel. 
     There really wasn't much adaption activity. About the only difference was that the dialogue was updated. In this work there really wasn't that much creativity. That being said I was entertained. (The Norse myths are entertaining pretty much no matter who is telling them. 


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