I Don't Want To Kill You by Dan Wells (John Cleaver Series #3) 7/10
I've just gotten back to this series of books. I remember really liking these books, and I remember why. The main character is a sociopath who hunts down demons and making for a really interesting series of foil villains who act as a comparison to the anti-hero main character.
The book is really entertaining. You constantly feel for the main character; which is a really high hurdle for this type of book. It's really important going in to know it's a supernatural thriller though. If you go in thinking it's basically 'Dexter,' you're going to be really disappointed.

This book started to feel a little bit more formulaic than the other ones did, but that is partially counteracted at the end, but the ending is a bit rushed. So, I'm not sure what to think of that.
There are moments thought that take you totally out of the action. There's one part of the book where the sister of the love interest teases her for not being 'modest,' enough. I don't know of any child who would tease another for that reason. There were other parts of this where people act or say things that come off as awkward. It really took me out of the action.
I'd give this book a light recommendation.
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