Extracted by RR Haywood (Extracted Trilogy Volume 1) 7/10

It's a book about time travel book where each character is pulled out of a dire situation very suddenly to help save the world. It does have a lot of time travel tropes. It has the 'you can't mess up the timeline trope but is a little bit picky and choosy about how influential you can be. The action scenes are sometimes a little too fast and come almost out of nowhere. I read a few reviews of this book, and the #1 complaint was that the ending was bad, and they're kind of right. This book isn't really a trilogy. It's more a single book spread across three releases. So, the ending to this book was more just the one-third mark to a single story than an ending.
The book tries it's best to be logically consistent and introduces some new ideas into the time travel genre. At no point was I bored or uninterested as to the plight of the characters. The prose are solid. I'd give this book a light recommendation.
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