Death's Mistress by Terry Goodkind 8/10

     So, I haven't read Goodkind's well-known series 'Sword of Truth,' but I read a few reviews, and it seemed that everyone who read this book was pleasantly surprised at how much better it was than his previous book. Probably, the best thing I can say about this book is that it's really entertaining.
      The book has a lot to do with hierarchies, and the really interesting conflict, most internal, have to do with how the main character interacts with the world around her because of how that hierarchy is set up. This makes for some really interesting internal dialogue. At one point she's about to be raped (yeah the book is definitely for adults) she goes over in her head at how these guys basically don't deserve to rape her because of how low on the totem pole they are.
     So, for about the first third of the book it plays off this group dynamic that's really interesting, but it lags the second third, unfortunately. The main character quickly becomes this universal dissolvent that can pretty easily just solve her problems pretty easily. It made the book feel like it was lagging. It was similar to the last part of the Justice League movie where Superman shows up and just solves every problem easily.
     The ending was pretty entertaining. This book isn't meant to be this manifesto. It's meant to be entertaining, and it succeeds.


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