Saint's Blood by Sebastien de Castell 7/10

One of the other problems is a minor one, but it still sort of annoyed me. Most of the times where a church or religious zealots the main characters become little more than mouthpieces for the authors' beliefs, and there are a few times where that happens. The other part of this is that the villain (either a power-hungry priest or a god in this case) are generally Marvel tier complexity. Yeah, he wants to take over the world. It's just not that interesting. There's a bit of this book that has that problem.
If you already a fan of these books though ( and you kind of have to be to get all the way to book three) you'll probably like it. Some of the book began to feel like tropes that were already sufficiently explored in the previous two books.
I don't want to come out as overly negative though. It did have some laugh out loud moments the same way the other books did, and I will definitely be picking up the last one.
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