Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan 6/10
First things first this book is borderline. What I mean by that is that it isn't downright awful, but it has some things holding it back. It takes place in the future where people have put their consciousnesses into this thing called the stack (which they can put into a new body after new bodies- which they call sleeves). The premise is that the main character has to solve the murder of a wealthy employer who has brought him back from the dead to do.
This creates a really nice blend of genres. The world is very similar to the 'Blade Runner,' world, and has a very similar feel to it. This is where the book/show shine. They both the degradation that happens to the mind and the body by separating them.

One of the problems with the book is with the main character. He is constantly horny in the book. Virtually his two moods are aggression and sex. It doesn't really make for a compelling or interesting character on the page. Now the message of the book makes it a bit necessary almost, but this really isn't true as much in the show. He's much more interesting to watch in the show.
This books seems like one that will scratch a few people's genre itch. It's a lot like 'Blade Runnder,' and it has a really private eye mystery feel.
I like this book, but I don't think its amazing or really worth returning to. I think I'll end up just watching the show, and that's about it.
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